Get your salary as Bitcoin?(給料はビットコインで?)


The word “Bitcoin” has been around for a few years already. But what is that?

Make it simple: Bitcoin is nothing more than a currency, just like US Dollar. However, US Dollar bills or coins are tangible, you can touch and see them. Bitcoin is intangible, it lives in the Internet. Similar to US Dollar, you can use Bitcoin for shopping, even transfer to your family and friends. Since the transaction is done in the Internet, it is encrypted. Hence the name: Cryptocurrency.

There are also other cryptocurrencies living in the Internet; you can explore investopedia further if interested.

What’s good about cryptocurrency?

You can already imagine that, because Bitcoin is used in the Internet, that means, countries boundaries do not exist? Yes, you got it. If you live in the US and you want to wire money urgently to your brother who lives in Japan, the traditional wire transfer takes time and it costs you service charge for this cumbersome transfer procedure. Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, solves these issues.

What would the future look like?

Guess what, there is a man who has been living on Bitcoin for 3 years! His name is Olaf Carlson-Wee, who is also the first hire at Bitcoin startup.

Again, as Bitcoin lives in the Internet, Olaf is able to use his Bitcoin salary to buy tangible things online, as long as the online shops accept Bitcoin. How about house rent in the real world? Olaf pays his friend Bitcoin and this friend pays the rent in real money for him. How about restaurant? Same as the rent, unless the restaurant accept Bitcoin. Full story can be found here:This Man Has Been Living On Bitcoin For 3 Years by Laura Shin.

What if Bitcoin can somehow also live in a debit card, so restaurant can accept it even today? Problem solved!?

Yes. As long as there is problem, there is solution. Something called Shift Card was born. I think I can touch that in my next post. Stay tuned.








実はBitcoinで3年間も過ごしている男がいます。彼の名前はOlaf Carlson-Weeで、初期メンバーとしてBitcoinのベンチャー企業に雇われました。

改めて言いますが(うるさいですね 笑)、Bitcoinはネット生きているため、Olafは普通の通貨の代わりにBitcoinを給料としてもらっています。ネットで色んな買い物をしています。



詳細のストーリーはLaura ShinのThis Man Has Been Living On Bitcoin For 3 Years“」まで読んでみてください。


その通りです。課題があれば解決案は必ずあります。「Shift Card 」というデビットカードは誕生しました。また今度紹介させてください。


Cryptocurrency explained by techopeida:

Cryptocurrency explained by investopeida: